Taz - Atari 2600

Taz - Atari 2600

Publisher: Atari
Year of release: 1983
Number of players: 1 - 2
Controller: Joystick
The game Taz for Atari 2600 has been released in 1983 by Looney Tunes company. It is inspired by the Tasmanian Devil - a character from the Cartoons world.

There are eight rows displayed on the screen, in which you move the character with the joystick. You can move smoothly in horizontal direction and jump between the rows. There is no action for the button. There is a food or a dynamite thrown at you in waves in these rows. You have to collect the food and avoid the dynamite. You never know what will be thrown at you, therefore the game is quite action and tests your reflexes and quick reactions.

The goal of the game is to collect as many points as possible. It has no end - you can play until you lose your 3 lifes. The difficulty of the game changes after collecting certain amount of points. The food is different and the game is a little bit faster. Focusing on the game for a long time is also quite difficult and can more easily cause a mistake from your side.

Food sorted by the difficulty:
Hamburger, beer, cone, ice cream, apple core, turnip, tomato, sundae, surprise...

There is a mode for one or two players, which can be changed with the SELECT button and the game started with the joystick button. Players take turns after a life loss in the two players mode.

The game was modified and exported outside the US market under the name Asterix.
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