Popeye - Atari 2600

Popeye - Atari 2600

Publisher: Parker Brothers
Year of release: 1983
Number of players: 1
Controller: Joystick
Popeye game was originaly made as an arcade gaming machine from the Nintendo company. The licence for Atari 2600 has been purchased by the Atari company itself only for the British market. The version for Atari 2600 is very weak compared to the original gaming machine - given to it's graphic possibilities.

The goal of the Popeye game is to catch 20 scarfs which are thrown from above by your beloved (Olivia is her name). Scarfs are falling down in unpredictable way through 4 floor levels, in which you can move the character with your joystick. You can use stairs, climb on ladders or fall down. If the scarf falls into the water (on the lowest level), it floats on the surface for few seconds. You loose a life when it sinks. You can also loose a life because of the evil guy (his name is Brutus according to the authors), who is also moving on all floor levels. If you wish to get rid of him for a few moments, you can pick up a blinking dot on the left side of the screen (spinach) to gain a power to kill, same as in the Pacman game, and simply touch him. If brutus throws dots (bottles) on you, you can box them off by pressing a button and avoid a life loss. You have a total of 4 lifes.

If you successfully collect all 20 scarfs, you move to the next round. There are 3 rounds repeated over and over again, only with slightly higher difficulty.

The game is for one player only.
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Atari 2600 lover
Atari 2600 lover
I love this game where the sailor rescues his princess. Popeye is one of the most entertaining arcade games. After all these years, it's still a great title.
5 years 8 months ago
Jablecny Strudl
Jablecny Strudl
Yes, Popeye on Nintendo NES looks much better: https://retrotip.com/nintendo_nes/popeye
5 years 8 months ago
I was playing PopEye on arcade machine. For me one of the best games of that time. Now I play it on Nintendo emulator sometimes. It has better graphics than on the Atari 2600.
5 years 8 months ago